Whelp here it is, the last of the Anime Los Angeles 2017 photos. Today Im releasing the last 200, give or take, photos for this event. please enjoy them.
click on the photo or go to our galleries page.
Thanks a Bunch -G.umi
Whelp here it is, the last of the Anime Los Angeles 2017 photos. Today Im releasing the last 200, give or take, photos for this event. please enjoy them.
click on the photo or go to our galleries page.
Thanks a Bunch -G.umi
Super Dimensional Convention just passed. Even though we arrived there super late, we still had a great time. Got there at 4:40pm, we had literally only three hours of convention time. We saw the auction, the contest and mini performances. All of it was entertaining. So good show to sdc.
Winners of the completion and miss macross 2017. Congrats!!!
So I did something I haven't done in a while. I completed the photos from a con soon after the con ended. So here it is. Super Dimension Convention!!
CLick on the mic and check out the gallery :3
!!!!!! Hope Everyone Who Attended Had A GREAT Time :D !!!!!!
Till Next Year or Next Convention
Had another update on releasing the photos, today I added part two of ALA 2017.
click on the image to go check it out or check out our galleries page!!!
-G.umi here, did some work instead of doing some work >.> Lots..
click on the pic or quicklink here
-G.umi Here-
Anime impulse was a blast for Yume Yumiko and friends. Now for this photographer to get busy with the first load of work for the year XD. I want to start off strong and hopefully end strong. Cough cough and hopefully finally get all that ketchup work off my plate ....T_T....
~~~I'll be updating the Galleries Progress ASAP~~~
The entire day was a great learning experience, and I feel like we grew more as a team. In the future, we hope to shoot more people at once, and function at a higher level as a crew. As we grow in our skills, arsenal, network, and knowledge base, I know that we will form many unforgettable memories.