New Anime 2018

Can't wait for the new anime coming out in 2018. Even though I haven't had much time to watch all of the recent anime, the hype for the upcoming anime is real. But.. then again I'm not looking forward to waiting week to week to watch the new eps of anime lol. OOOOH WELL :P

Some Of That Good Stuff.

<3 --- [FLCL 2 n 3] --- E>

<3 --- [INDEX 3] --- 3>

<3 --- [ATOT 3] --- 3>

<3 --- [STEINS; GATE] --- E>

<3 --- [ONE PUNCH MAN] --- E>

<3 --- [FATE] --- E>

<3 --- [SAO] --- E>


and much much more :3



Updated Galleries :D

Whelp here it is, the last of the Anime Los Angeles 2017 photos. Today Im releasing the last 200, give or take, photos for this event. please enjoy them.

click on the photo or go to our galleries page.

Thanks a Bunch -G.umi

Super Dimension Convention

Super Dimensional Convention just passed. Even though we arrived there super late, we still had a great time. Got there at 4:40pm, we had literally only three hours of convention time. We saw the auction, the contest and mini performances. All of it was entertaining. So good show to sdc.  

Winners of the completion and miss macross 2017.  Congrats!!!

Winners of the completion and miss macross 2017.  Congrats!!!

So I did something I haven't done in a while. I completed the photos from a con soon after the con ended. So here it is. Super Dimension Convention!!

CLick on the mic and check out the gallery :3

CLick on the mic and check out the gallery :3

!!!!!! Hope Everyone Who Attended Had A GREAT Time :D !!!!!!


Till Next Year or Next Convention


The Cyanotype Project

My my... A pussy fight is about to break out. Ma cat Azu and Ma woman Emily.. L&lt;3veThis is a large scale negative I created using litho film. its dimension roughly measure out to about 8x11 inches.

My my... A pussy fight is about to break out. Ma cat Azu and Ma woman Emily.. L<3ve

This is a large scale negative I created using litho film. its dimension roughly measure out to about 8x11 inches.

Today we introduce my project covering cyanotypes. The cyanotype process dates back to 1842 by a sir John Herschel. The process results in blue prints. Cyan.


The process I am working uses cyanide and some other chemical mixed together as a solution. You take that solution and then coat a piece of material with it then dry it and its ready. You can create an image on the paper by casting a shadow upon the solution coated side of the paper. Use sunlight or a something with with the same amount of light intensity the sun provides until the image that the shadow casts is burned into the solution. Usually this would result with the solution going from yellow to a grey color, then you know it is done. Take that paper and wash it under running water being careful making sure that water slides from side to side off the paper. Never let the water concentrate on one point or it will scar the paper.

The process can take a long time but if you do more then one cyanotype at a time you can actually get a bunch done.

Here is one of those awesome light boxes I was talking about that can deliver the sun-like rays to the paper.

Here is one of those awesome light boxes I was talking about that can deliver the sun-like rays to the paper.


All thats left after the wash is to dry the work and you are done. Usually a blow dryer or a drying rack would be your choice of utility for drying.


Whelp thats the beginning of the cyanotype process for me. Hope I can create some great works out of this and share them here with ya.

Till Next Cyanotype
