New Anime 2018

Can't wait for the new anime coming out in 2018. Even though I haven't had much time to watch all of the recent anime, the hype for the upcoming anime is real. But.. then again I'm not looking forward to waiting week to week to watch the new eps of anime lol. OOOOH WELL :P

Some Of That Good Stuff.

<3 --- [FLCL 2 n 3] --- E>

<3 --- [INDEX 3] --- 3>

<3 --- [ATOT 3] --- 3>

<3 --- [STEINS; GATE] --- E>

<3 --- [ONE PUNCH MAN] --- E>

<3 --- [FATE] --- E>

<3 --- [SAO] --- E>


and much much more :3



Nerf & Airsoft 2

As of 8-20-16 I played Both airsoft and nerf. And I can now safely say that Airsoft is far more tame.

Months ago when I mentioned nerf to an airsoft player, they simply said “You’re just afraid of pain” Now that I have played airsoft, NO. Airsoft hurts less than nerf. Like in my other post, nerf rules are very relax. And as such the amount of brutality in it is ridiculous. With your hand, you can push away enemy guns in close quarters, then nail them a dart. Foam shields are permitted to shield bash. You can make full swings of foam swords, and swings to the head happen. Nerf darts with mods can travel up to 270 fps with standard munitions which means there is 3.39 joules of kinetic energy. And this is legal at point blank range.

Where I went one Saturday. It is a real popular place used for several movie productions too. You may have seen this place in's VGHS.

Where I went one Saturday. It is a real popular place used for several movie productions too. You may have seen this place in's VGHS.

Airsoft close quarters are generally reduced to people shouting “Bang Bang.” Shields are required to open up their guard to fire their gun, and the gun has to be a pistol. Airsoft knifes or swords are only permitted to be tapped with. And only in the shoulder. The standard ammo velocity is at 400 fps and 1.49 joules. And you are not supposed to shoot someone if they are within 10 feet.

A Table that shows what is considered a "Safe" amount of kinetic energy. Nerf rounds can get very high in this chart.

A Table that shows what is considered a "Safe" amount of kinetic energy. Nerf rounds can get very high in this chart.

Airsoft is very tame. If you want, to teach your kids gun safety, Airsoft in best. But If you want your kids to understand the march of technology and how it affects war, play nerf.

Nerf can hit 2.28 times harder than airsoft.Paintball at 10.38 joules

Nerf & Airsoft 1

I modded nerf blasters for a long time, and recently I have been modding airsoft guns. Here are the differences that I see.

The Mind Set

Nerf modders do not care about realism - Well, not as much as the airsoft community - but Airsoft players like the realism. I find it strange to expend some of your limited resources of green-gas to move the slide, when you can use that to further propel the ammunition. Nerf players do enjoy realism at times, but they understand that, ceteris paribus: victory goes to the one with the better gun. Form over function.

Nerf Titan AS - V1On the front lines of the foam wars, this was a weapon to be feared. After some modifications, the energy used to propel the heavy rocket could be used to jettison a single dart. It was never a mod for accuracy, but it had the abil…

Nerf Titan AS - V1

On the front lines of the foam wars, this was a weapon to be feared. After some modifications, the energy used to propel the heavy rocket could be used to jettison a single dart. It was never a mod for accuracy, but it had the ability to shed blood and knock over children.


Did you want a new spring to upgrade your M4? You go back to the airsoft store and buy one. If you want a spring to upgrade your Retaliator, you have to either buy it from a third party specialty seller, or you can accidentally find one. There is a certain enjoyment of exploration when modding nerf. Sometimes you find a motor upgrade from a robotics retailer in Europe. Sometimes you discover a suitable O-ring from Home Depot. However, everything you want for airsoft is usually found at the same place you got the gun.

A link to the blog of a friend of mine that I once played nerf with. His mods are well respected in the nerf community, and are sold on his ebay.

A link to the blog of a friend of mine that I once played nerf with. His mods are well respected in the nerf community, and are sold on his ebay.


I’ll be honest. Airsoft is more safe than Nerf since rules are usually arbitrated by the host. Airsoft has fixed rules and respect for the guns, while Nerf does not as much. Anything that is homemade is likely to be allowed in Nerf, from foam bashable shields to modified 40 psi fire extinguishers. Airsoft requires a maximum feet-per-second for your shots. Sometimes they won’t even allow melee weapons.


"Line Con" 2

Why do they even have lines? For one, registration is a service that they have to provide to EVERY person attending. Namely, a seemingly infinite population of people to only 30 registers, but look at it another way. How long are you WILLING to wait? Probably around 1.5 to 2 hours. I kept my eyes on the time, and we got through in around 45 minutes or about 43% of how long I am willing to wait. Knowing how much longer I would wait, I am guessing that this was the reason the At-Con Registration and Pre-Registration lines were one-and-the-same this year, in order to accommodate the excess of staff found in 2015. This year exceeded the maximum capacity legal in the convention center (likely due to fire safety standards), so to mitigate how quickly people enter, the bag checks doubled their purpose of security and population control.

Why do they have this many people, but only allow them to enter from one place (the escalator)

Why do they have this many people, but only allow them to enter from one place (the escalator)


An army marches on its stomach and so do con goers. How much do you usually eat? Assuming that you watch anime because you were, after all, at an anime convention, I can expect that at least an hour of your time is spent seated in front of a computer or TV per day. And during the 4 days of Anime Expo, they are replaced with walking - meaning more calories your body was not expecting. So even if you did bring your own food for the con, you likely found it unsatisfactory. So, did you have to wait in line at the food truck? No, but you were probably underestimating how much you would have to eat.

This is some research AMV was doing for ALA. This is the reason they let people enter from a single place at the beginning. By controlling where people enter, the Con can control which booths are most important.

This is some research AMV was doing for ALA. This is the reason they let people enter from a single place at the beginning. By controlling where people enter, the Con can control which booths are most important.


Traffic is a science in itself. Obviously, if there is someone in front of you, your speed is equal to or less than that person’s speed. Raise that to the power of the number of people in front of you, and you now see why it's slow. This is probably why the aisles were wider this year. Since you take up about 2 square feet of space, the aisles were made at minimum 8 feet wide (yes, I measured it). Sadly, browsing people stop and take up to 2.6 feet or 33% of the movement space of the aisles, creating random bottlenecks. Hence, that is why you waste 33% of your travel time.

"Line Con" 1

Nobody WANTS to wait, but it is a fundamental necessary evil of the convention. How much of your time did you spend in line at Anime Expo? I heard it was a 1 hour wait for registration, a 2 hour wait to enter the exhibit hall per day, a 20 minute bag check line every time you wanted to re-enter the building, and a 20 minute line for food.

The lines for Pre-Reg and At-Con-Reg were homogenized this year making it seem much longer of a wait. Chances are that they found the ratio of the two types to be too small for the dedicated human resources. Instead of getting 5 people to handle exc…

The lines for Pre-Reg and At-Con-Reg were homogenized this year making it seem much longer of a wait. Chances are that they found the ratio of the two types to be too small for the dedicated human resources. Instead of getting 5 people to handle exclusively At-Con's very quickly, they chose to have only one person sort the people and spend more time at just one person to register them.


How much time did you spend walking in traffic? Assuming that you are human, you walk at about 3 miles per hour or about 4.5 feet per second. Nobody walked that fast, more like 1.5 feet per sec. So some simple number-crunching means that you wasted 33% of your time, compared to walking normally, for every time you were walking in traffic. How long did you wait for friends to meet up in the convention center? Well, they still had to travel in traffic too, so that's another 33% more of your time.

So on a regular con day (9 AM to 9 PM), you lose the opportunity to do something awesome for about 5 hours worth of your time. That’s 40% of your time at the con.

Real Talk with Dopey - Olympic Zombies

Hello everyone! 

First time expressing my opinions through blogs in YY so lets to a quick introduction about ME.

I'M A...


Overall I am a happy dude :)

Today we are going to be talking about zombies...ZOMBIES MAN. 

Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel without a Pulse

Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel without a Pulse

First lets talk about the evolution of zombies:


Ahhh... Good'ol OG zombies. If you watch any of the older zombie flicks, these guys normally walk or try to run (off-balanced). Some may even have a different color skin (green was a popular choice).. Cemeteries, curses, and voodoo rituals were very common for their source and appearances (like in "Night of the Living Dead" which was a popular film). 
Opinion: Theres no way humanity would lose to these zombies. 


I'll be skipping decades of zombies and head into the Evil Dead/Resident Evil style era. In my opinion, this was probably the start of the zombie concept fever. Instead of curses and other cheesy mystical reasons, viruses and biological contamination become more popular. Although the zombies are still fairly slow,  the creators take zombie infections to the next level. People become infected within a few moments if they're even scratched by one of these things. BUT humans aren't the only things to be raised as these viral creatures, dogs, birds, and other animals become tearing shit up too which makes which adds depth to these apocalypses making them more frightening (and cool ...if your a SADISTIC BASTARD)

Opinion: I think this could be quarantined. IDK depends on the source i guess. Oh  and don't rely of the police!!!


Alright Alright, lets get to the present n shit. Right now zombies are at their peak with video games and movies swarming the market (pun intended).  Everything becomes fast-paced; zombies begin to sprint, climb, and even jump (thanks Brad Pitt). Infections are within SECONDS making survival quite an accomplishment (watch Zombieland for a rather entertaining guide). Viruses and other Bio stuff are still the generic sources of the apocalypse. The video games like Left 4 Dead even had a concept of adding mutations to the swarms. (super zombies with a specific ability). If these zombies could sprint like Usain Bolt with an endless stream of stamina, well.... no wonder this shit entertaining and fun.

Opinion: I'll get on this in the section below. Oh and don't rely on the military!!!

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbs…

                                                                       World War Z




Real talk people! Is it possible for zombies to get any faster than they are now? I mean their legs will snap like twigs if they're considered a roaming corpse...right? Do zombies even have the mental capacity to flawlessly run up and down the stairs without fucking up? Will senior citizen zombies be able to sprint at 25 miles an hour like the rest? More importantly, can a skinny guy like me become a charger from left 4 dead???

Anyways, as a fan of the zombie concept, I would love to see future ideas of evolutions in the future. No matter how cheesy the zombie movies or how bad the games are, they always PLEASE me deep down. :)

I if you guys would like to add on to this or give or give feedback, i would certainly appreciate that! And more importantly, thanks for checking this out and tolerating my crap of rambling!


Cheers to more blogs!

-Dopeyrazz (Jeremy)