Mistakes Can Be Fixed Through Improvisation

Sometimes It's Food For Fun #4 by -G.umi-

It happens to all of us and most of the time, you would just straight up start over. But.. Not this time :3 One day I was experimenting with brownies. I wanted to see what would happen if I added some white chocolate chips to the batter. What ended up happening was a very bad unevenly cooked looking brownie. I was kind of distressed with the result because even though it was an experiment, I was eventually going to bring it to a family party. Seeing that I didn't have enough time or materials to start over, I began to contemplate my options. . . .

Look at those SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD cracks in my finished brownie....

Look at those SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD cracks in my finished brownie....

Eventually I thought, "What if I just crush this entire brownie into bits and serve it like that?" This is my attempt to mask the fact that I made a mistake. XD. But then it got me thinking, just crushed brownies is kind of boring. I needed to do something more to make this dish seem presentable and desirable. With that, my background in works with strawberries hit me. I'll make this into a triple layer chocolate x strawberries x chocolate dessert. So I got right to work.

strawberries layer over a layer of crushed brownies with chocolate syrup on top.

strawberries layer over a layer of crushed brownies with chocolate syrup on top.

Then more crumbles of brownies layered on top and on the tray the dish sits on as decoration. Success!!!

Then more crumbles of brownies layered on top and on the tray the dish sits on as decoration. Success!!!

In the end, it turned out just fine and my family loved it.

This is me.. Barely making it in time before we left the house to go to the party... I have such a big chromium..

This is me.. Barely making it in time before we left the house to go to the party... I have such a big chromium..


Lazy Cat...Blue on the inside, Pusheen on the outside

Sometimes It's Food For Fun #3 by -G.umi-

So one of our friends is coming back from a trip to her hometown. She likes Pusheen the cat, so we decided to make a Pusheen cake for her return party. Unfortunately, a lot of the pictures of the cake-making process were lost. So here is the start and the finish.

For some reason I wanted to add a twist to the cake, so I chose blue cake batter. 

For some reason I wanted to add a twist to the cake, so I chose blue cake batter. 

And the completed Cake..

It was perfect :3

It was perfect :3

One of the biggest difficulties we found was making the grey frosting with food dye. The amount of food coloring mixed in was scary. Later on we would learn that you can actually buy black frosting from specialty shops... That would have saved us like 2 hours...

If It Can Have Chocolate On It... Then It Will!

Sometimes It's Food For Fun #2 by -G.umi-

Another Throw Back! Hopefully these simple finger foods give you some sort of inspiration! In this recap, I'm covering some desserts I made for a cousin's party. I used strawberries and a variety of snacks from the 99 Cents Store and covered them in milk chocolate and crushed biscuits. 

1. Prepare The Army

2. Position Units

3. Presention

Enjoy <3

The Sugar Never Ends!

Sometimes It's Food For Fun #1 by -G.umi-

Time for a Food Porn Friday!
This is the start of a series I am starting for things that I have personally prepared. If it gets enough attention, I will certainly be willing to post recipes and step-by-step process posts!

Here is a birthday present I designed a long time ago for a friend who really has a sugar problem. It Includes: strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, and a lot of white chocolate. Rest assured, no one has received diabetes in the process of consuming this tasty dessert. They were a lot of fun to make.

Leave a comment if you would like me to go more in depth into recipes and process in the future!