"Line Con" 2

Why do they even have lines? For one, registration is a service that they have to provide to EVERY person attending. Namely, a seemingly infinite population of people to only 30 registers, but look at it another way. How long are you WILLING to wait? Probably around 1.5 to 2 hours. I kept my eyes on the time, and we got through in around 45 minutes or about 43% of how long I am willing to wait. Knowing how much longer I would wait, I am guessing that this was the reason the At-Con Registration and Pre-Registration lines were one-and-the-same this year, in order to accommodate the excess of staff found in 2015. This year exceeded the maximum capacity legal in the convention center (likely due to fire safety standards), so to mitigate how quickly people enter, the bag checks doubled their purpose of security and population control.

Why do they have this many people, but only allow them to enter from one place (the escalator)

Why do they have this many people, but only allow them to enter from one place (the escalator)


An army marches on its stomach and so do con goers. How much do you usually eat? Assuming that you watch anime because you were, after all, at an anime convention, I can expect that at least an hour of your time is spent seated in front of a computer or TV per day. And during the 4 days of Anime Expo, they are replaced with walking - meaning more calories your body was not expecting. So even if you did bring your own food for the con, you likely found it unsatisfactory. So, did you have to wait in line at the food truck? No, but you were probably underestimating how much you would have to eat.

This is some research AMV was doing for ALA. This is the reason they let people enter from a single place at the beginning. By controlling where people enter, the Con can control which booths are most important.

This is some research AMV was doing for ALA. This is the reason they let people enter from a single place at the beginning. By controlling where people enter, the Con can control which booths are most important.


Traffic is a science in itself. Obviously, if there is someone in front of you, your speed is equal to or less than that person’s speed. Raise that to the power of the number of people in front of you, and you now see why it's slow. This is probably why the aisles were wider this year. Since you take up about 2 square feet of space, the aisles were made at minimum 8 feet wide (yes, I measured it). Sadly, browsing people stop and take up to 2.6 feet or 33% of the movement space of the aisles, creating random bottlenecks. Hence, that is why you waste 33% of your travel time.

"Line Con" 1

Nobody WANTS to wait, but it is a fundamental necessary evil of the convention. How much of your time did you spend in line at Anime Expo? I heard it was a 1 hour wait for registration, a 2 hour wait to enter the exhibit hall per day, a 20 minute bag check line every time you wanted to re-enter the building, and a 20 minute line for food.

The lines for Pre-Reg and At-Con-Reg were homogenized this year making it seem much longer of a wait. Chances are that they found the ratio of the two types to be too small for the dedicated human resources. Instead of getting 5 people to handle exc…

The lines for Pre-Reg and At-Con-Reg were homogenized this year making it seem much longer of a wait. Chances are that they found the ratio of the two types to be too small for the dedicated human resources. Instead of getting 5 people to handle exclusively At-Con's very quickly, they chose to have only one person sort the people and spend more time at just one person to register them.


How much time did you spend walking in traffic? Assuming that you are human, you walk at about 3 miles per hour or about 4.5 feet per second. Nobody walked that fast, more like 1.5 feet per sec. So some simple number-crunching means that you wasted 33% of your time, compared to walking normally, for every time you were walking in traffic. How long did you wait for friends to meet up in the convention center? Well, they still had to travel in traffic too, so that's another 33% more of your time.

So on a regular con day (9 AM to 9 PM), you lose the opportunity to do something awesome for about 5 hours worth of your time. That’s 40% of your time at the con.

Girls und Panzer Tiger II Scale Tank Build (Part I)

Lemon Senpai here. I have been a fan of military stuff longer than i have been a fan of anime. When I first watch Girls und Panzer, it wasn't long until I became a big fan of it. So quite a while ago I got myself a model tank kit from the series. The scale tank I will be building is the King Tiger or Tiger II from Kuromorimine.

I have not done something like this in a while. I was amazed at all the small bits and pieces it came with. And the amount of steps needed was just too much.

Here comes the start of the many steps involved in just the assembly of the tank. Looks like we will start from the bottom which is the wheels, lower body, and such.

Looks nice with the bottom and top parts of the main body put together. Just leaving it unglued for now.

Lets add some details for the upper body now

At this point, I permanently attached the bottom and top halves together.

Let's assemble the head, or turret, of the tank.

Almost there, just a peek of the turret and main body together. Both will stay unglued the whole time even after the whole thing is completed.

The last finishing touches on the tank and it is pretty much assembled. Other than painting and detailing, it looks pretty nice.

With that finished, here is most of the assembled tank. I had another scale tank i got somewhere else as reference. 

I hoped you like my build so far. Stay tuned for part II. It will take a while because painting is not something im good at so it will take time.



Anime California 2016 Gallery Update #2



-G.umi Here!!!

Worked on some of the photos again so here it is: The last of the photos I took at Anime California.

Photo credits to: Haili & Yume Yumiko

Location: Near Long Beach Convention: Locations between Pine Avenue Pier and Shoreline Aquatic Park


It Was Fun Haili

Thanks For Bring Up Madoka

Hope We Can Have More Photo Shoots In The Future!!!


Go Check Out The Full Gallery


>See Ya Again<

Anime California 2016 Gallery Update #1



-G.umi Here!!!

I had a chance to work on some of the photos again so here is what I have completed

Photo credits to: Lexi & Yume Yumiko

Location: Long Beach Convention Center Rainbow Lagoon


Just going to say it now!!

Thank You Again Lexi For Another Fun Photo Shoot

Hope To See Ya Again

Go Check Out The Full Gallery


>See Ya Next Time<