Anime California 2016 Gallery Update #1



-G.umi Here!!!

I had a chance to work on some of the photos again so here is what I have completed

Photo credits to: Lexi & Yume Yumiko

Location: Long Beach Convention Center Rainbow Lagoon


Just going to say it now!!

Thank You Again Lexi For Another Fun Photo Shoot

Hope To See Ya Again

Go Check Out The Full Gallery


>See Ya Next Time<


Happy Birthday Thai


Hope you had a good time at your birthday party. I'm glad I was one of the few who had a chance to go and celebrate with you. Also, not like the others would know.  .  .  That Cake Was Delicious~ Congratulations on Living another year XD... What a weird way to put it lol...

Anyhow.. Here are the pictures from your birthday cosplay :P 


Keep in touch :3