"Line Con" 1

Nobody WANTS to wait, but it is a fundamental necessary evil of the convention. How much of your time did you spend in line at Anime Expo? I heard it was a 1 hour wait for registration, a 2 hour wait to enter the exhibit hall per day, a 20 minute bag check line every time you wanted to re-enter the building, and a 20 minute line for food.

The lines for Pre-Reg and At-Con-Reg were homogenized this year making it seem much longer of a wait. Chances are that they found the ratio of the two types to be too small for the dedicated human resources. Instead of getting 5 people to handle exc…

The lines for Pre-Reg and At-Con-Reg were homogenized this year making it seem much longer of a wait. Chances are that they found the ratio of the two types to be too small for the dedicated human resources. Instead of getting 5 people to handle exclusively At-Con's very quickly, they chose to have only one person sort the people and spend more time at just one person to register them.


How much time did you spend walking in traffic? Assuming that you are human, you walk at about 3 miles per hour or about 4.5 feet per second. Nobody walked that fast, more like 1.5 feet per sec. So some simple number-crunching means that you wasted 33% of your time, compared to walking normally, for every time you were walking in traffic. How long did you wait for friends to meet up in the convention center? Well, they still had to travel in traffic too, so that's another 33% more of your time.

So on a regular con day (9 AM to 9 PM), you lose the opportunity to do something awesome for about 5 hours worth of your time. That’s 40% of your time at the con.

Girls und Panzer Tiger II Scale Tank Build (Part I)

Lemon Senpai here. I have been a fan of military stuff longer than i have been a fan of anime. When I first watch Girls und Panzer, it wasn't long until I became a big fan of it. So quite a while ago I got myself a model tank kit from the series. The scale tank I will be building is the King Tiger or Tiger II from Kuromorimine.

I have not done something like this in a while. I was amazed at all the small bits and pieces it came with. And the amount of steps needed was just too much.

Here comes the start of the many steps involved in just the assembly of the tank. Looks like we will start from the bottom which is the wheels, lower body, and such.

Looks nice with the bottom and top parts of the main body put together. Just leaving it unglued for now.

Lets add some details for the upper body now

At this point, I permanently attached the bottom and top halves together.

Let's assemble the head, or turret, of the tank.

Almost there, just a peek of the turret and main body together. Both will stay unglued the whole time even after the whole thing is completed.

The last finishing touches on the tank and it is pretty much assembled. Other than painting and detailing, it looks pretty nice.

With that finished, here is most of the assembled tank. I had another scale tank i got somewhere else as reference. 

I hoped you like my build so far. Stay tuned for part II. It will take a while because painting is not something im good at so it will take time.



Anime California 2016 Gallery Update #2



-G.umi Here!!!

Worked on some of the photos again so here it is: The last of the photos I took at Anime California.

Photo credits to: Haili & Yume Yumiko

Location: Near Long Beach Convention: Locations between Pine Avenue Pier and Shoreline Aquatic Park


It Was Fun Haili

Thanks For Bring Up Madoka

Hope We Can Have More Photo Shoots In The Future!!!


Go Check Out The Full Gallery


>See Ya Again<

Anime California 2016 Gallery Update #1



-G.umi Here!!!

I had a chance to work on some of the photos again so here is what I have completed

Photo credits to: Lexi & Yume Yumiko

Location: Long Beach Convention Center Rainbow Lagoon


Just going to say it now!!

Thank You Again Lexi For Another Fun Photo Shoot

Hope To See Ya Again

Go Check Out The Full Gallery


>See Ya Next Time<


Pre-ordering and Early Access Games


-My Bank Account

Hey EVERYONE! Dopey here! Today's topic is going to be (well the TITLE) BUYING GAMES AHEAD OF TIME.

But first...STORY TIME

You know that feeling where you watch an epic trailer of a game? The anticipation of a sequel to your favorite series? A concept you have been waiting for since forever? 

You tell yourself...my GOD this game looks freaking good! then you pre-order the game for a whopping $60 (or 54.99 of you do it TODAY). The excitement begins to fill you up as you become impatient to own a copy before your friends do...

You wait months...weeks....days....and then.... RELEASED! You download the game with your newly purchased high speed internet that you've upgraded for this very moment. After a few moments, it finishes and you quickly launch the game! Heart beating rapidly, eyes WIDE open, and your phone ringing but you don't ANSWER....OMG....the client crashes.

You sit back, absolutely dumbfounded. Scratching your head wondering if it's just your system...but wait, you just bought a five-hundred dollar graphics card! No..No...that can't be it. You try again, this time the game does start! The loading screen is excruciatingly slow, but you don't care, as long as the game is working....right?

You are finally in the game! Overjoyed feelings begin to bubble up once more as you create your character! But...your character falls through the game-world immediately. You are confused for a moment, open up the menu.....the client crashes.

You look at the reviews out of both curiosity and an uprising anger....negative reviews left and right. Reality kicks in, the mind is at peace again. You sit back on your chair saying in a hysterical voice, "This is the best turd i have ever bought!" And you wait for a year's worth of patches HAPPILY. EVER. AFTER.



Alright guys! Is pre-ordering/early access games worth it?

I used to pre-order games on my N64 all the time back in the day. But my eight-year-old self realized that the games a hit-or-miss. With notorious companies and developers out to get your $$$, is it more effective to wait a bit? 


Steam "Early Access" logo

Steam "Early Access" logo

The Good Personal Experiences

I have always admired the developers of these games and definitely would love to support all of them if I had the money. Some of these guys really do need the funding and support to maintain their passion.  Some of these early access games are even good as they get updated consistently.  Sometimes devs even go out of their way to heed the wants of the gamers. 

With the rise of DLC to expand the game's universe, some companies will even provide you with benefits for buying their game early (such as the DLC content) and other goodies/passes. But we won't really get into this since its a whole other topic within itself.

I certainly enjoyed some titles like The Forest, Banished, watching the YY team play ARK etc. Another thing i would like to point out is the creativity of these bizarre, yet incredible ideas.. Most of the major gaming companies probably won't even give these ideas a chance. But with the concepts like the upstart of survival sandbox games, gamers will finally get the chance of their dreams coming to life.

I would LOVE to see more content from these developers in the future and see what new quirk they bring to the table.

The Bad Personal Experiences

OK, now its time to express my current frustrations with this concept. With these ideas comes a dark side; leaving it to HOPE and (oh god) POTENTIAL. In my opinion, hope is not a good thing when it comes to pre-ordering (early access is more understandable). I know that certain games are not for everyone, but i'm not here to give reviews, i'm talking about FALSE ADVERTISING. Instead of explaining, I'll use a few of my examples.

1. Rome 2 Total War: (pre-order)

The game was broken and nearly unplayable at launch after claiming to have the biggest budget compared to every other total war game

2.Towns (early access) 

The developers literally ABANDONED the game and launched the game as a full release. 200,000 players bought the game for $14.99.

3. Lollipop Chainsaw (pre-order)

Not a bad game, but mediocre for the price (49.99) during the time. The game was hyped by a stereotypical cheerleader who happens to to be sexy and voiced by Tara Strong :) The game was also short for fifty bucks.

4. Madden Games (pre-order)

Hardly any changes to the more recent ones. Madden 25 even had unfulfilled promises and lack of other features.

5. Movie Title Games (pre-order)

Plz dunt 


This is mainly for early access games. Many of the early access games i have encountered (ESPECIALLY sandbox) offers a ton of content in the future...THE FAR FUTURE. I know that coding takes time and some of these companies are working with only a handful of developers but C'MON MAN! These sandbox games are becoming notorious for never being able to finish which brings us to.....


 Some of these early access games are in their third year as of the time of this post. The games are being updated once every three months or their "updates" aren't relevant to the progress.


Overall, I think players should wait for the gameplay to be revealed or reviewed. That way players can just go on Twitch.tv or Youtube  to see if the game is right for them instead of spending that $60 when you could've bought a dozen tubs of ice cream crying about your purchase.  Early Access games could be fun as well but always remember, POTENTIAL is all it has until the full releasePlus everything is going digital so you don't really have to worry about the store running out of copies. ;)

COMMENT below if you like, hate, or think i'm an asshole! If you have anything you like to add, I would appreciate that!


Thanks to the Reader!

-Dopey (Jeremy)













Real Talk with Dopey - Olympic Zombies

Hello everyone! 

First time expressing my opinions through blogs in YY so lets to a quick introduction about ME.

I'M A...


Overall I am a happy dude :)

Today we are going to be talking about zombies...ZOMBIES MAN. 

Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel without a Pulse

Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel without a Pulse

First lets talk about the evolution of zombies:


Ahhh... Good'ol OG zombies. If you watch any of the older zombie flicks, these guys normally walk or try to run (off-balanced). Some may even have a different color skin (green was a popular choice).. Cemeteries, curses, and voodoo rituals were very common for their source and appearances (like in "Night of the Living Dead" which was a popular film). 
Opinion: Theres no way humanity would lose to these zombies. 


I'll be skipping decades of zombies and head into the Evil Dead/Resident Evil style era. In my opinion, this was probably the start of the zombie concept fever. Instead of curses and other cheesy mystical reasons, viruses and biological contamination become more popular. Although the zombies are still fairly slow,  the creators take zombie infections to the next level. People become infected within a few moments if they're even scratched by one of these things. BUT humans aren't the only things to be raised as these viral creatures, dogs, birds, and other animals become tearing shit up too which makes which adds depth to these apocalypses making them more frightening (and cool ...if your a SADISTIC BASTARD)

Opinion: I think this could be quarantined. IDK depends on the source i guess. Oh  and don't rely of the police!!!


Alright Alright, lets get to the present n shit. Right now zombies are at their peak with video games and movies swarming the market (pun intended).  Everything becomes fast-paced; zombies begin to sprint, climb, and even jump (thanks Brad Pitt). Infections are within SECONDS making survival quite an accomplishment (watch Zombieland for a rather entertaining guide). Viruses and other Bio stuff are still the generic sources of the apocalypse. The video games like Left 4 Dead even had a concept of adding mutations to the swarms. (super zombies with a specific ability). If these zombies could sprint like Usain Bolt with an endless stream of stamina, well.... no wonder this shit entertaining and fun.

Opinion: I'll get on this in the section below. Oh and don't rely on the military!!!

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbs…

                                                                       World War Z




Real talk people! Is it possible for zombies to get any faster than they are now? I mean their legs will snap like twigs if they're considered a roaming corpse...right? Do zombies even have the mental capacity to flawlessly run up and down the stairs without fucking up? Will senior citizen zombies be able to sprint at 25 miles an hour like the rest? More importantly, can a skinny guy like me become a charger from left 4 dead???

Anyways, as a fan of the zombie concept, I would love to see future ideas of evolutions in the future. No matter how cheesy the zombie movies or how bad the games are, they always PLEASE me deep down. :)

I if you guys would like to add on to this or give or give feedback, i would certainly appreciate that! And more importantly, thanks for checking this out and tolerating my crap of rambling!


Cheers to more blogs!

-Dopeyrazz (Jeremy) 











Happy Birthday Thai


Hope you had a good time at your birthday party. I'm glad I was one of the few who had a chance to go and celebrate with you. Also, not like the others would know.  .  .  That Cake Was Delicious~ Congratulations on Living another year XD... What a weird way to put it lol...

Anyhow.. Here are the pictures from your birthday cosplay :P 


Keep in touch :3

Happy Valentines Day 2013

Sometimes It's Food For Fun #5 by -G.umi-

Note: Until the year before last, I used to make stuff for my friends for Valentine's Day. These days, I usually let the younger members pick up the slack. In terms of how much work I have put into desserts, I think that the one from Valentines Day 2013 was the most effort-intensive.

First let me introduce my assistant for this project... Anemone :3

Note: We do not have claim over this image. All rights go to the proper creators.

Note: We do not have claim over this image. All rights go to the proper creators.

Wait that's not right XD. I meant Anne-chan :D

Note: One of my imouto x not related. Also once my apprentice in the arts. And the one person I associated to Anemone from Eureka Seven the anime :D

Note: One of my imouto x not related. Also once my apprentice in the arts. And the one person I associated to Anemone from Eureka Seven the anime :D

What Does the Anemone Flower Mean?

The beautiful Anemone flower symbolizes:

  • Protection against evil and ill wishes
  • The approach of a rain storm when the petals close up
  • Forsaken or forgotten love and affection
  • Anticipation and excitement for something in the future
  • Fairies and their magical world of twilight
  • The death of a loved one or the loss of them to someone else
  • Protection against disease and illness
  • The arrival of the first spring winds
  • Bad luck or ill omens

Despite its delicate beauty, the Anemone has developed a mixed set of meanings depending on the culture viewing the flower. Some see it as protection against disease, while others feel the opposite way and warn against it as an omen of impending illness.

sauce: ^ [ http://flowermeaning.com/anemone-flower-meaning/ ] ^

Where to begin... Ah yes. Making angel wings out of white chocolate without planning, practice, or patience. Getting frustrated and doodling around. Okay!!! lets call it, "stop what you are doing and brain storm." XD

Most of the first night involved freehand chocolate designs. Then, the next day was spent designing a way to make better wings. All the past nights' disasters were also melted into my big white chocolate heart... which was then smashed into pieces again to begin the forging process once more.

No Mercy.. :Overwatch: x :Left 4 Dead:

No Mercy.. :Overwatch: x :Left 4 Dead:

Here is what I came up with to remedy our inability to freehand the chocolate wings .T_T. &nbsp;It was used to mass produce wings. I also made hearts to go with the theme of Valentine's Day :D!!

Here is what I came up with to remedy our inability to freehand the chocolate wings .T_T.  It was used to mass produce wings. I also made hearts to go with the theme of Valentine's Day :D!!

Day 3

 . . . . . .T.T. . . . . .  

Note: I Think This Final Stretch Was All Nighter D:

Finally. All the preparations have been made and we can make the final product! Let the Chocolate Heart Angel Winged Strawberries rain from the sky!!!

And so an army of Heart Angel Winged Strawberries was born. The difficulty level at the time was Unknown. Still it was fun and someday I may want to revisit this creation. &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 .

And so an army of Heart Angel Winged Strawberries was born. The difficulty level at the time was Unknown. Still it was fun and someday I may want to revisit this creation. <3 <3 <3 .

First, we put wave stripped chocolate on one side of all of the strawberries. Eventually the strawberry would be wrapped in lines of chocolate, buffering the details in the piece. Let the first side of chocolate cool and harden. Then, flip the strawberry over and get ready for the difficult part. 

The Final Side is a five step process that needs to be done all at once.

  1. Make lines in a criss-crossed pattern with milk chocolate.
  2. Fill in a heart on the middle of the strawberry with milk chocolate.
  3. Attach 4 white chocolate wings onto the milk chocolate heart on 4 corners.
  4. Attach the white chocolate heart onto the bottom of the heart.
  5. Hold all the 5 white chocolate pieces in place until the milk chocolate hardens enough to hold the wings and heart into place.

~After that you should end with something like this~

E&gt; ~The Heart Angel Winged Strawberry~ &lt;3

E> ~The Heart Angel Winged Strawberry~ <3

I thought one was hard to make... but then I made four..

Every one of them is unique. No two creations are the same.

Every one of them is unique. No two creations are the same.

After you stress out over four... Making the rest is easy :D

After finishing up with all the strawberries, I ended up having a lot of extra milk chocolate. So I made a big crunch chocolate circle platform - basically a chocolate intensive cookie. AND THEN I DECORATED IT!!!

This was Food For Fun :3

This was Food For Fun :3

The End

.Wait One More Thing.

I realized that my true creative nature comes out when what I am doing is intended for another person. With that I have to say, thank you to everyone who knows me personally and sticks around long enough to get some kind of creation from me. Without you people, life might be bland.

Honestly This Might Be Too Much Chocolate For One Person.

Honestly This Might Be Too Much Chocolate For One Person.

For the year of 2013, Valentines Day.

This creation was inspired for you Anne.

Until the day I can no longer recognize you as my imouto.

Please continue to watch over me.

From Your Baka Onii-chan -G.umi