
Nerf & Airsoft 2

As of 8-20-16 I played Both airsoft and nerf. And I can now safely say that Airsoft is far more tame.

Months ago when I mentioned nerf to an airsoft player, they simply said “You’re just afraid of pain” Now that I have played airsoft, NO. Airsoft hurts less than nerf. Like in my other post, nerf rules are very relax. And as such the amount of brutality in it is ridiculous. With your hand, you can push away enemy guns in close quarters, then nail them a dart. Foam shields are permitted to shield bash. You can make full swings of foam swords, and swings to the head happen. Nerf darts with mods can travel up to 270 fps with standard munitions which means there is 3.39 joules of kinetic energy. And this is legal at point blank range.

Where I went one Saturday. It is a real popular place used for several movie productions too. You may have seen this place in's VGHS.

Where I went one Saturday. It is a real popular place used for several movie productions too. You may have seen this place in's VGHS.

Airsoft close quarters are generally reduced to people shouting “Bang Bang.” Shields are required to open up their guard to fire their gun, and the gun has to be a pistol. Airsoft knifes or swords are only permitted to be tapped with. And only in the shoulder. The standard ammo velocity is at 400 fps and 1.49 joules. And you are not supposed to shoot someone if they are within 10 feet.

A Table that shows what is considered a "Safe" amount of kinetic energy. Nerf rounds can get very high in this chart.

A Table that shows what is considered a "Safe" amount of kinetic energy. Nerf rounds can get very high in this chart.

Airsoft is very tame. If you want, to teach your kids gun safety, Airsoft in best. But If you want your kids to understand the march of technology and how it affects war, play nerf.

Nerf can hit 2.28 times harder than airsoft.Paintball at 10.38 joules

Nerf & Airsoft 1

I modded nerf blasters for a long time, and recently I have been modding airsoft guns. Here are the differences that I see.

The Mind Set

Nerf modders do not care about realism - Well, not as much as the airsoft community - but Airsoft players like the realism. I find it strange to expend some of your limited resources of green-gas to move the slide, when you can use that to further propel the ammunition. Nerf players do enjoy realism at times, but they understand that, ceteris paribus: victory goes to the one with the better gun. Form over function.

Nerf Titan AS - V1On the front lines of the foam wars, this was a weapon to be feared. After some modifications, the energy used to propel the heavy rocket could be used to jettison a single dart. It was never a mod for accuracy, but it had the abil…

Nerf Titan AS - V1

On the front lines of the foam wars, this was a weapon to be feared. After some modifications, the energy used to propel the heavy rocket could be used to jettison a single dart. It was never a mod for accuracy, but it had the ability to shed blood and knock over children.


Did you want a new spring to upgrade your M4? You go back to the airsoft store and buy one. If you want a spring to upgrade your Retaliator, you have to either buy it from a third party specialty seller, or you can accidentally find one. There is a certain enjoyment of exploration when modding nerf. Sometimes you find a motor upgrade from a robotics retailer in Europe. Sometimes you discover a suitable O-ring from Home Depot. However, everything you want for airsoft is usually found at the same place you got the gun.

A link to the blog of a friend of mine that I once played nerf with. His mods are well respected in the nerf community, and are sold on his ebay.

A link to the blog of a friend of mine that I once played nerf with. His mods are well respected in the nerf community, and are sold on his ebay.


I’ll be honest. Airsoft is more safe than Nerf since rules are usually arbitrated by the host. Airsoft has fixed rules and respect for the guns, while Nerf does not as much. Anything that is homemade is likely to be allowed in Nerf, from foam bashable shields to modified 40 psi fire extinguishers. Airsoft requires a maximum feet-per-second for your shots. Sometimes they won’t even allow melee weapons.